CanvasRebel Magazine: Meet Deaune Boyd
The story behind my mission is actually quite amusing, filled with moments of self-discovery and personal growth. It all started with my famous slogan, “you are perfectly imperfect,” which has become the guiding principle of my life. However, there was a time when this mantra was far from my reality. Picture me in middle school, riddled with insecurities about my body.
Like most adolescents, I was going through significant changes, both physically and emotionally. But instead of embracing them, I felt an overwhelming sense of shame.To cope with these feelings, I turned to my trusty companion, McDonald’s. Yes, every day after school, I found solace in those golden arches.
A McChicken and fries became my way of escaping the judgment and scrutiny that I feared awaited me. I would wrap myself in oversized hoodies, hoping they could shield not only my body but also my vulnerable self from the critical eyes of others. Deep down, I knew that I was succumbing to societal pressures, questioning why beauty standards were set so high, why we were compelled to change ourselves for acceptance.